Sunday, January 01, 2012

Now's Your Chance ...

We all knew it was just a matter of time. With the rate of growth of the internet and the availability of information, the clock is ticking and the ultimate demise of the cloak of secrecy that has shrouded some of the greatest mysteries of all time is fast approaching. The rate of ice melting in the Arctic has some experts predicting an ice free Arctic and shipping trade routes through the Arctic Circle by the end of the next decade.

But until then, you can check out for yourself what there is to see at the "north pole" with the first "true" polar flight of Richard Branson's Virgin Air. This flight will leave Heathrow Airport and fly straight to Fiji via a direct polar route that shaves 6 hours off of the otherwise 24 hour flight. So be the first to book a polar flight on Virgin Air and let us know what you see as you cross over the top of the world. Just be sure to book a window seat!


  1. It will be interesting to see if that really is allowed to happen, however I believe that folks are beginning to wake up.
    I know my views have changed from Dr. Doom and Gloom, to seeing the way of salvation. Recently wrote another article that is a lot more positive, you should check it out . . .

  2. I think the hole could be in Baffin Bay or another one.

  3. You guys will have no luck. On the year 2000 the government took numerous high power explosives to the north pole hoping to gain access to the hollow earth. Of course they knew that the inhabitants within would close the opening as soon as they sensed them nearing in, that's why they had their explosives. But they were unable to make a "dent" on the sealed whole. The inhabitants of hollow earth had placed a higher technology electromagnetic field that camouflages the apertures at both ends of the globe from arial or ground encounters. Those who ARE allowed to come inside hollow earth NOW a days is by personal invitation only. You can thank the governments lead example of malicious intention for that.

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    @in altum, where did you get your information from? I never heard that. Care to share?

  5. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I have 3 questions #1 if our core is there sun how do it stay in the middle? #2 if there a sun in the center it be like a oven in there people be cooked, so were do the heat go? #3 how they walk or it like Gravitron at carnival?

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    its not a sun, its an iron core. its hot enough to keep them warm. I imagine the ratio of the suns heat output ans size compared to the distance earth is away,is similar to the iron core size and heat output to the inner earth surface. Trade winds flow around and through the openings like the water. The entire shell is believed to be about 800 miles thick.. the center of gravity is in the middle at 400 miles. Standing up in the inner earth is the same as it is here on the outer surface. You never feel the earth spinning you upside down through space, or that your traveling at 17k miles an hour. Your senses are in relation to gravity.. which is below you, and that is also the case when in the inner earth.. gravity is below you.
