Saturday, March 10, 2012

Ciel et Espace

Head on over to Ciel et Espace (Sky & Space), a French monthly devoted to the earth sciences published by the French Association of Astronomy. There you can see 3D topographic images of Antarctica that appear to be sourced from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). The curious thing about these images is that they don't have the polar region blacked out (like most images sourced from United States government agencies). Instead it shows a circular depression from various vantage points that is curiously centered at the southern pole. Very interesting!

Couple this with the dark zone of low reflectivity in the radarsat image identified by Rodney Cluff (courtesy of NASA/Goddard) and I'd say we have a dead ringer for the south polar hollow earth opening!



1 comment:

  1. I wonder if southern polar opening is covered with ice and that's why it is barely visible?
