Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Earth as a Geode

The easiest way to visualize the formation of the hollow earth is to look at the best example that we have in nature ... that of a geode. Geodes range in size from small rock formations all the way up to large caverns filled with crystals. These features typically form when rock is found in its igneous state and then hardens around a gas bubble.

To bring this around to hollow earth, imagine a large spinning bubble of molten material that slowly cools and hardens into a dense, crystalline shell. This is hollow earth. Now imagine, if you will, the brilliance that can be seen from the inside of the earth. If geodes are to be any indicator, there is considerably more going on inside this planet than there is on the surface. In fact, I'd go as far to say that most planetary bodies were never intended for life on their surface. The inside, on the other hand ... that remains to be seen!

The important thing to remember is that the shell of the earth is basically one large crystalline form. Imagine a crystal the size of the earth ... or more accurately a geode!


  1. But you need light inside to see.

    633 ptatella

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Earth did not form hollow but today it is hollow and the reason for that is at one time earth through a major planetary collision was smashed in half and over time due to its rotation the remaining landmass broke apart(contential plates) ,wrapped around the core then expanded hollowing out earth ;thats how earth became hollow

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    correct me if I'm wrong. if we can compare the hollowed earth idea to a geode, then just like we cannot know if illumination exists or not prior to opening the geode and still cannot know after opening the geode, we cannot know if illumination exists inside the hollowed earth. we have not seen the inside, and if the only way to see the inside is to theoretically 'open it,' we still would not know if illumination existed or not. we would just know what is inside. even if we inserted a telescopic camera via probe to capture a supposed 'light' source, not permitting any visible light through to our own eyes, we STILL might not understand it considering what our own abilities of vision comprehension are. ~constant conundrum-ing~
    ::and anonymous[1], what do you mean the plates wrapped around the core?

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The pinal gland would answer question to how we would see unfortunately by 17 most of us havetotaly calcified pineal glandsthanks to fluride been added towater. Anyway the pineal gland or 3rd eye is exactly that comprised of same lenses rod and light receptors and when activated is ment to give the ability to see with eyes closed so theoretically underground

  5. de acuerdo..en tanto en cuanto..yo aprecio y doy la pre pon de rancia ..al termino La Tierra. ??? fatal al ... horrible ... vano .es tan frió como la esencia misma de la raza humano idea..así lo es de comprender todos y cada uno...hoy no será...pena¡¡
    que es un Ser , Ente uno solo vivo ..latente y paranormal cuan;su identidad y entidad y/o.... posee...piel...estructura corpórea..energía . materia y algo más ..que no entienden la mayoría de humanos...
    EL TODO mio y de vosotros ....es decir no es de ti o de aquel .este Solo a si mismo es... y mas ...se desará de nos...,, de su incomodo instante ... actual - mente ...tal cual ..un Can..bota sus pulgas en el camino mismo - momento.... es muy sensible , sensitivo . con toda su cobertura ..atavíos, artilugios , mixturas y simbiosis..(según los Humanizases) piel, estructura - energía - materia - éter- lo que sea ...y no conocemos por que nuestro limite es en si mismo El... ..apenas y vendrá otro de sus desplazamientos celestiales ...caminando sereno por la calle de leche...en su destino el y todo lo suyo ...los suyos

  6. EL TODO mio y de vosotros ....es decir no es de ti o de aquel .este Solo a si mismo es... y mas ...se desará de nos...,, de su incomodo instante ... actual - mente ...tal cual ..un Can..bota sus pulgas en el camino mismo - momento.... es muy sensible , sensitivo . con toda su cobertura ..atavíos, artilugios , mixturas y simbiosis..(según los Humanizases) piel, estructura - energía - materia - éter- lo que sea ...y no conocemos por que nuestro limite es en si mismo El... ..apenas y vendrá otro de sus desplazamientos celestiales ...caminando sereno por la calle de leche...en su destino el y todo lo suyo ...los suyos

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM

    would geodes exist in the core?

  8. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Yes. Hollow Earth indeed has a small sun made of a crystal. It was a gift from the Venutians.
    -Greatful One

  9. Anonymous3:21 AM

    The gravity of star is researched by earthmeasured and also described in and Ezekiel
